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past days, and now am becoming much more reconciled to it all - in fact, I actually am beginning to find that, after all, life is a great game -- the greatest one of all- and am looking forward to the future and its experiences with anticipation. That first Sunday here, I swear, as I looked ahead, I couldn't see a thing -- everything looked black. I couldn't imagine myself making good or anything like it -- I was almost panic striken....... And so you can understand somewhat, just what this experience is meaning to me, and all the good I am going to get out of it. For you see I am learning engineering and Life, right out in the school of practical experience -- running up against the problems of the actual, and not in the text book....... Last Monday was a memorable evening -- more experiences. Saying good-bye to friends -- seeing the red lights of their train blink away into the night, or standing in the vestibule of a car, and seeing them stand on the platform as you pull out. Oh, those things do teach us a lot...... Freddie Thalman and I drove up into the hills back of Utica and had a good talk. On the ride back, I was in a coach and everyone but the conductor and me was asleep, folded up in their seats in all sorts of uncomfortable attitudes. I shaded my eyes and looked out of the window most of the way back -- the moonlight gleamed silvery across the shallow waters of the Mohawk -- it was beautiful. I got to bed about the time you arrived in Buffalo....... Sometimes I get a long job that becomes almost automatic, or get some job where I can use the automatic feed-- then I have time to think. I think all about that this great activity means -- what it's all about. It really is interesting to go beyond the hole you are drilling or the gear you are cutting, and see what it all means. I get much pleasure out of it. For instance, we are making in our particular shop, Surface Air Coolers, used to cool the air that is circulated through the huge electric generators in power stations to keep their temperature down. The men who build these coolers are working so they may live and support their families -- quite true-- but, after all, aren't they helping to make life better for other people, who benefit by the saving these coolers make in the power plant coal bill, for the precious BTUs dissipated in the generator, that would otherwise be lost, are recovered by the boiler feed water as it passes through these coolers. I am getting too technical, but you are a scientifically minded girl, and can understand. At any rate, you get the main thought. ...... In our shop was made a great deal of the famous Mercury Boiler, which promises to cut the cost of electricity in half. Aren't the men who help to build such things, helping the people who are going to benefit? And so, I philosophize and enjoy myself more. ...... This GE plant is a perfectly marvelous place. I wish you could go through it. The immense size of some of the machines, and the work they do, are almost staggering. It is in this plant that the huge turbines used on the superdreadnaughts, are built. I get a big thrill out of just thinking about them. Each ship is equipped with [[underline]]four[[/underline]] turbo-generators, and each machine has a