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refute and be convincing to them. I can refute it and be perfectly convincing to myself but not to them. I think the Apostles were inspired in a sense by Jesus but not to the extent that everything they wrote in the New Testament is true. You see, my orthodox friends think Jesus was God, and so if they were inspired by him, everything they wrote [[underlined]] must [[/underlined]] be true. So it is a hard argument to handle. 

[[underlined]] To Willie, September 24, 1924: [[/underlined]] Indeed I am glad about your chemistry. I know how happy you must be to feel you are doing something worthwhile with it. The story of Madame Curie must be just as great an inspiration to you as the stories of some of the great engineers are to me. That formula is a bird -- those are the things that used to stick to me. Chemistry was [[underlined]] not [[/underlined]] my long suit at all but I can always get a thrill when I begin thinking about the Periodic Law. Speaking of religion and atheism, how could anyone doubt the existence of a God after looking into the Periodic Law? How could they think that it all just happened? ...... One of the GE booths at the Schenectady Progress Exposition last evening, had an exhibit of clear fused quartz. Have you ever seen it? It has remarkable light carrying properties. For instance, they had a long [[underlined]] solid [[/underlined]] tube containing numerous bends, running from somewhere in the rear of the booth to the front of it. On the other end of the tube, they had a light and you could see it [[underlined][ through [[/underlined]] the tube, around bends and all. I shouldn't call it a tube -- it was solid.

[[hand drawn diagram of the tube described in the text]]
[[handwritten]] you could see the light here [[arrow]]
1/4" solid Quartz rod, Out of sight [[arrow]] [[/handwritten]]

...... Yes, in a way, all beautiful writing is inspired. I see just what you mean, but when my opponents in argument say the Bible is inspired, they mean that it was inspired to the extent of being absolutely true in every detail. No doubt beautiful paintings are inspired but that doesn't mean necessarily that they are perfect. There is also the human element as well as the divine element. I haven't continued the argument but no doubt next Sunday it will get started again. We got arguing about the Einstein Theory the other morning. In fact, we argue about anything and everything. ...... Almost every night on the way home from work, we see the Union College football team practicing. We all plan to go to the games here and root for the visiting team. That is one of the duties of the young GE engineer. Syracuse plays among the others, Columbia, Penn State, Pittsburgh, Colgate and Southern California. Bowman, who ran the 100 meter on the U.S. Olympic team, is one the of the halfbacks.