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of days figuring out how it works. They have it arranged through a system of electrical, mechanical, and hydraulic relays, so that the speed of the ship can be controlled by a lever the size of your little finger if necessary. ...... You see, I am getting back at you for springing (I need a new line) "acetyldiphenylamine" on me. I should have liked to have seen the crystals -- they must be beautiful. I would like to have you explain all about crystals to me sometime. Why they take the forms they do, and why some take one formation or arrangement, and others another. I think that is marvelous -- almost as marvelous as the "little flower in the crannied wall." How often do we wonder what it all is anyhow? But the most marvelous thing of all, the thing which "passeth all understanding," is Life, or rather, the Human Soul. I seem to be in a philosophical frame of mind tonight. ...... Sunday evening I picked up my radio receivers, put them on my ears, and heard just as I got them adjusted, a church congregation in Albany begin to sing a hymn. The words that came across "the pine plains" were:

"Now the day is over
Night is drawing nigh -- "

I know of no experience to even equal the Shoals experience in bringing peace of mind and a realization of what things are worthwhile in life. The sea's atmosphere has something to do with it --

"The ocean with its vastness, its blue green,
Its ships, its rocks, its caves, its hopes,
its fears, --
Its voice mysterious, which whoso hears
Must think on what will be, and what has been --"
-- Keats.

...... We will have lots to talk about when we meet on Dec. 27 and 28.

[[underlined]] Note: [[/underlined]] The above is the last excerpt from the 1924 letters. The stage now shifts to 1925.
