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[[underlined]]To Willie, March 11, 1925:[[/underlined]] Spent a lovely evening yesterday with the Starzenskis. They are just wonderful people -- you must meet them the first time you come here. Most of the evening was spent listening to the radio, including the Brunswick Hour of Music program, which is always beautiful. A young Mr. and Mrs. Smith came in too, so we all had a nice sociable time. The Starzenskis are in the middle thirties, I should say, but they seem to cater more to the young crowd than they do to those their own age. Mr. S. is a great big man -- a wonderful athlete, I guess, for he coaches the Union lacrosse team among other things. He is a mechanical engineer and manager of the Adirondack Power & Light co. here, so you see it is hard to tell what channels one may get into. An ME in an EE's job or vice versa, seems to be the order of things. Mrs. Starzenski is perfectly charming -- has a way with her which may have been born in her or may be the result of Bryn Mawr. At any rate, she has it. I certainly am fortunate to have been able to make their acquaintance. It was so wonderful to spend all the evening in a real home here. As we sat there in the darkness listening to the lovely music, I dreamed and dreamed of you, Willie dear, and dreamed of how someday we should sit in our own littlr home together. It was a precious thought indeed. Sometimes I feel I must take a weekend off and come to Louisville if it be only for a few hours. I might get just desperate enough to do it sometime, extravagance or no.

[[underlined]]To Willie, March 14, 1925:[[/underlined]] I got to bed at about 2 a.m. today after the dance, which was held in the Parish House. I don't wonder that the staid Methodists and Baptists of Schenectady are a trifle shocked when they walk by the Unitarian Church at about 1 a.m. and hear the strains of "Tea for Two" floating from the windows. However, if they are, what right have they to be around at 1 a.m. The dance was mighty good fun and I am beginning to feel much more acquainted with the people. It is a great comfort to be able to feel that if I ever have to bring you to Schenectady to live, I will have a circle of friends there to present to you. The Nikiforoff family are about as interesting as any I ever knew. Madame Nikiforoff is perfectly charming. Her accent is a delight to hear. She speaks English perfectly, having learned it from a real English governess in Russia, but her accent makes it a real treat to listen to her. ......I got to work this morning on the principal thing Mr. Steenstrup wants me to investigate right now. it is a method of building up rings by brazing steel blocks together. The blocks are trapezoidal in shape, thus [[image- a hand drawn trapezoid set in the text]] so that when fitted together, they form an annular ring. I am setting up a small milling machine to cut the blocks correctly. It is really great to be working at something definite at last and I am mighty happy about things now. My work will make the days fly by to that day of all days in June when we shall be with each other again. I do so long for that time when we shall be together for two marvelous weeks.