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[[underlined]] To Mother, June 21, 1925: [[/underlined]] Yesterday I had a talk with Mr. Steenstrup. He was so very nice. I couldn't help but warm up to him. He put his hand on my shoulder and said, "Getting a little restless, Craton? Our talk was not terribly long but he did say that when I come back from my vacation, I can transfer into his department. He said he had realized that I did not have enough to do but that things would be different shortly when business picks up. Said he was greatly satisfied with me and that he knew that although I might not be busy on some specific thing, I was learning every minute. He told me again that I had the run of the plant to study manufacturing methods, and that it also was perfectly all right with him for me to spend time in the Library studying various phases of the work. I sometimes think that I am not making the most of this opportunity and I am going to adopt a different policy from now on as long as I stay here. I know Mr. Steenstrup is trying to do his best by me although sometimes it's not as easy to believe as it might be. Howver, as you have said, I believe he is a kindly man and has my best interests at heart. As for this job, I really think that if I care to follow this process, I will eventually work into a very good job here for I believe that the process has a great future. Its development may be a little slow at first, but it has great possibilities. I have a great opportunity here to learn things -- there is no doubt of that. ...... I think that Cousin Gertrude Barker is lovely. I think I could have fallen in love with her if circumstances hadn't been so against it. Don't tell her so though -- it might create a scandal in the family.

[[underlined]] To Mother, June 23, 1925: [[/underlined]] Your lovely letter was the very best part of my birthday -- the letter and the picture. I can see why Father fell in love with the Lady of the Picture. The thought that I am the fragrance of that love is a beautiful one. ...... Somehow I have been busier yesterday and today than I have been for two or three weeks and I feel much more satisfied with my work. I spent most of the morning over in the Research Laboratory Library reading some interesting papers on "the Iron-Iron-Carbide Equilibrium in Dry Hydrogen at 950[[degrees]]C" and the "Stability of the Double Carbides of Chromium and Iron in Hydrogen at 950[[degrees]C."

[[underlined]] To Mother, June 25, 1925: [[/underlined]] Thank you for "Woolroe's" latest photograph -- he certainly is a most boochiful kitty. Give him my best regards and wishes for a successful summer. ...... I got my accounting exam and final mark today and fared quite well. Got 96 on the final and 93 on the course, which was third highest in our section. Jim Hollyer carried off first honors with 95 on the course. I don't know who was second. ...... Today I ran across something that surprised me considerably. I have been poking around the Research Library quite a bit in search of material pertaining to our work. Today I ran across an article in