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the only way we have to judge anything is by forming a comparison of it with something else. Comparisons would still be the same. I think thoughts like that are interesting anyhow. They are quite surprising sometimes. ...... How I should love to be able to stroll casually into the office of Prof. Fritschner some day although I should be willing to forego the casualness of my entrance if I only might just be there.

[[underline]] To Willie, August 19, 1925: [[/underline]] I was so surprised to see that clipping from the "Post" as I had not happened to read or hear anything of it. Yes, "the man from Denmark" is none other than my boss, Mr. Steenstrup. His life sounds rather like a storybook, doesn't it? I have often thought that very thing about him and his rise to fame -- from an ordinary toolmaker to Supervisor of Mechanical Research in one of the largest factories in the world. He is quite a character. I rather wish that I might be interested enough in his line of work to stay with him, but I know that his world and mine are quite separated. That is why I am changing now. Thank you for sending the clipping. I looked up the article last night and read all of it pertaining to our plant.
[[image: tall man in suit and tie, wearing glasses, standing next to the iconic GE refrigerator with his elbow resting on the top of the refrigerator]]
Chris Steenstrip, "father of the Monitor-top,"

(Above photograph taken from the March-April [[handwritten]] ^1972 [[/handwritten]] General Electric Monogram giving a capsule history of the Company on the occasion of its 80th corporate birthday.)

[[underline]] To Willie, August 24, 1925: [[/underline]] Charlie Palmatier, the production man at the office, came back from his vacation today and made the remark that now he hadn't "anything to look forward to until the hunting season," when he would take some weekends. And

Transcription Notes:
added to image description.