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tonight. Frank (Carlton) asked Downey (presumably John Downie) if he intended to go to the Edison Club dances this fall. The conversation went like this:

Frank: Well, are you going to go to the Edison Club dances this fall?
Downey: Possibly, although I may be prevented by various unforeseen circumstances.
Frank: One of them probably being a lack of the necessary five dollars.
Downey: Oh, yes, that is one of the circumstances but I'd hardly call in [[underline]] unforeseen. [[/underline]]

By the way, Downey is that tall, pale, thin boy whom you saw on the car the day we went up to Saratoga.

[[underline]] To Willie, September 3, 1925: [[/underline]] Little did we dream at Shoals when we saw the "Shenandoah," that almost exactly two months later she would be a tangled ruin. What a frightful shock that was to hear about. We got first word of it in the middle of the morning and by noon the extras were on the streets. That sight of her at Star Island in the foggy dusk will always stay with us I guess. It scarcely seems believable that now she is destroyed and many of that same crew that passed over our heads, dead. What an awful, awful tragedy. ...... Dave showed us another lovely little ride last night over a wonderful concrete road I never knew existed, running northwest up toward the foothills. It was hazy and the moon looked for all the world just like a little pink cloud in the evening sky.

[[underline]] To Mother, September 12, 1925: [[/underline]] For once, I really have quite a bit of interest and adventure to write you about. In the first place, I think I have successfully dodged the radio test. I went in to see Means yesterday about what I was to start next Monday, and he told me that there was an eight weeks job up in the A.C.Engineering Dept. for a testman and that all the rest of the men coming on would have to go to radio. He said I could get the details about the job from Mr. Henningsen in the A.C. Dept. So this morning I finally saw him and he referred me to Mr. Berkshire. He explained to me the work, which is of a general nature there in his office, but most particularly, working up test data, which is the best kind of work in a place of that kind as far as learning about A.C. machinery is concerned. So I decided to take it for eight weeks, and start on Monday. By doing this, I sidestep radio for nine weeks and at the same time will get a chance to learn a whole lot about alternating current machinery. Means says that by the time my stay is up up there, he can give me a good test, which is all well and good, but I am going to try to arrange to go to Erie when my eight weeks are up. To that end, I went up to see Mr. Hanna this morn-

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