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Sunday we went to church and directly after dinner got ready to go to the YPRU picnic, which turned out to be great fun. There were fifteen of us there and I knew the majority of them. Pretty, fat Gert Schuff was there and a party is never dull With her at it. She's one of the funniest girls I've ever known and could melt a heart of stone. You would die to hear her talk of being arrested for speeding last week and how the policeman finally let her go. She has that famous Ford coupe that is known in louisville only as her "baby." Willie had on a white shirt and otherwise tan sport costume "thrown together" as she put it, but harmonizing very well. I took several pictures on the picnic including one of Gert which should be good. We drove out to Camp Knox and had our picnic inside the government reservation beside a little stream in among the hills. It was lovely. We got back to the house at 9:30 and visited until it was time for me to go down and get into my sleeper about 12:30. The time flew by as we knew it would. .. .. They had all the southern dishes for me from waffles to fried chicken. Bertha, the little mountaineer who cooks for them, says some killing things. She'd grown quite talkative about her mountain home and told Mrs. Fritschner that "everybody down there is named Lena, even the dogs and cats." And everyone in the town "wears" a gun.

Erie, Pa., 
May 19, 1926. 

The days, May 11, 12 and 13 were spent in Erie without anything particularly unusual happening except the thrill and joy of anticipating the weekend in Louisville. I took a walk with Adeline Macloskie out into the country Wednesday afternoon and found her a very entertaining and interesting girl. We're going to the circus on June 2nd just for the fun of it. She loves the hills and fields and woods too, so really we have something very valuable in common.

[[underlined]]To Willie, May 19, 1926[[/underlined]]: Your perfectly darling letter came today and when I'd read it, I held my head against it and cried and wished desperately I could suddenly open my eyes and find my head held in your dear arms and your dear face looking down at me as it did so little awhile ago....... I suspect you are a much better cook than you would ever admit being right now and I'm not in the least apprehensive of being able to survive. I‘d like to see you in the kitchen with a pretty apron on doing kitcheny things. Bertha certainly can cook and if you need any tutoring, she ought to be a good one. Remember, I must have some of your deviled eggs sometime -- I love them. We can live on deviled eggs and milk if we have to. You can devil the eggs and I can pour the milk, perfect cooperation. Soon we can be doing these things together and what a perfectly glorious thing it will be. ...... Last evening, some of the day crew were working overtime testing a big "TDC" generator for a Diesel—electric

Transcription Notes:
changed weeds to woods.