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Erie, Pa.,
Thursday, October 28, 1926.

I arrived back in Erie early last Monday morning. It was cold, dark, raining and windy but I didn't expect anything better. Got to work at 7:18 a.m. and my locomotive came back from the shop Tuesday noon. I would have stayed in Louisville a day and a half longer as well as not; when I found this out,  actually could have cried. And for four days, I've been fighting off the blues and hoping each day to hear some news of my job. Mr. Webb told Mr. Emerson today Mr. Case is in Schenectady, returning the latter park of the week, and he is to see Mr. Anderson there about it; also that I am of the three, Miller, Somerville and I, the one who most favorably impressed them. So I have that much to hope on and I am sure hoping, and trying to play the right game although sometimes, in spite of my efforts, I find it hard not to get blue and discouraged. I have not told Mother anything about the hitch in the proceedings as yet, as I hope everything will turn out all right and she will be spared the disappointment I have suffered. My locomotive is practically finished now and I can go anytime they want me; I only await word and what a glorious word it will be -- I do pray it will come. If it were only I that it affected, I should not care but I know how much it means to Willie and to Mother, and I can't bear to think of hurting them and disillusioning them about my success. ..... Have met Ferella again, who is here with the engineering departments, and find him fascination. He has a black moustache now and looks most unusual. I am learning daily to live more fully, to appreciate more things and better things, only right now I can't ever be at ease and able to completely enjoy things on account of the worry about the job that will, in spite of all philosophizing, intrude itself upon my mind. I hope the matter is soon settled and, oh, how I hope it will be settled right.

Erie, Pa.,
Friday, October 29, 1926.

Another day goes by without news and I'm still up in the air as to Mr. Anderson's decision regarding me. This evening I decided to go to the Halloween dance at church and try to get my mind off my anxieties. I called both Marie and Lenore and was unable to reach either of them at 5 p.m. but got Marie later and took her; Lenore was there "stag" so to speak and I had two good dances with her. During a square dance, Lenore, Marie, Ahmed and I went up into the front of the church and Lenore played the piano for us beautifully. If I could love anyone but Willie, I could love Lenore for her music -- she plays divinely. Ahmed is Castellino's friend from India -- some sort of prince, I believe, and has just come from Schenectady. He's a likeable boy, lonesome, and I feel sorry for him and tried to make things as jolly for him as I could, introducing him to Lenore and Marie. In Philadelphia his dark complexion was a problem.