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[[underline]] To Mother, January 16, 1927 [[/underline]]: I wish you could see the day here this Sunday. Not a cloud in the sky, everything covered with a blanket of snow, the mercury at zero--a perfect winter day. This afternoon I am going tobogganing--Adeline Macloskie, Housden, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Lottridge, and I. Dick is an old friend who was here on test when I came out a year ago and is in the engineering Department now. .... I am now beginning my job of getting onto all Perkinson's work on the gas and oil electrics, so have my work cut out for me. When I get back here, we shall have the job of testing a Diesel electric locomotive which is being shipped back here from Chicago because the customer wouldn't accept it. We are going to do some experimental work with it now, which will be very interesting. "Perk" and I may be getting into overalls again for a few days while that job is going on. I had a lovely letter from Doris which I shall show you when I see you in Cincinnati next Thursday morning. The "Pan American" leaves Cincinnati at 9:05 a.m. Surely shall be happy to see you there next Thursday morning, Muv dear.

[[underline]] To Mother from Cleveland, Ohio, January 24, 1927 [[/underline]]: We arrived safely here last evening and are now residing at "The Cleveland." We are both wonderfully happy and thrilled with it all. Willie is the most adorable-looking child you have ever seen; I am so proud of her. No one could be dearer, sweeter than she. ...... I want Willie to see the Public Auditorium. They our having the Auto Show there now, so we shall probably shop in there to pick out our Rolls-Royce for next season. ..... We are not going to try to do too much so we can get well rested before going to Erie to settle the apartment. I am anxious to hear from you and learn all the post-wedding news in Louisville. Willie sends you her love.

[[underline]] To Mother, January 30, 1927 [[/underline]]: Really we have been rushing almost every minute getting the apartment settled. Things are pretty well fixed up now except for the living room and dining room curtains, which we hope to have up by the time you arrive. ...... You needn't fear about Willie's cooking. She is just a grand cook and I think I am beginning to gain weight already. The regular meals and somewhat larger breakfast will do wonders for me that way. ...... Your letter to me came day before yesterday and yours to [[underline]] Mrs [[/underline]]. Forman H. Craton yesterday. Willie was tickled to death. We can't get over the wonder of that mysterious "Mrs." yet. ...... Remember, we shall meet the train you come on Friday. Willie is getting the Sunday dinner now. Next Sunday she will be getting it for three. Wont that be wonderful! When you come, we shall have loads to talk about. I hope we shall be able to have the house almost entirely settled by that time.