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[[underlined]] To Mother, February 1, 1927 [[/underlined]]: Willie is proving to be a grand cook and I am delighted as well as she herself. I think she will get fat too for she is so thrilled with her own success as a cook that she eats more than ever before. She wants to get some advice on cooking roasts, etc. from you when you come so be all primed for her. We have started our budget system today and are going to know just where we are financially. It is really lots of fun to plan things out and Willie is proving to be a wonderful little manager and helper in making things work out right. We can have a grand talk about things when you come. We shall meet your train.

[[underlined]] To Mother, February 12, 1927 [[/underlined]]: Adeline and Housden were delighted with the apartment and we had a very enjoyable evening of bridge. Tonight Frances Mertens and Bob Clingerman are coming over. Yesterday I went over to "60" to see "the Old Man" (Mr. Emerson), who was glad to see me and explained that because they did not have your address, Mrs. E had not answered your X-mas card. They are coming over to call on us some evening and later will come to dinner. I shall call up the Duttons and inquire for Mrs. Dutton.

[[underlined]] To Mother, February 14, 1927 [[/underlined]]: Willie couldn't get over Roger's selection of a luncheon set for a wedding present. I told her that nothing Rog did would surprise me. ..... Who should telephone yesterday but Lenore, in town for the day. She invited us and Frances Mertens and Bob Clingerman up in the afternoon. She had gone to Frances' for dinner so they all stopped for us about 2:30 and came in so Lenore could see the apartment. She was delighted with it and bubbled over just as she would do. Frances and Bob were here for bridge Saturday evening and they also were very appreciative of everything so we were greatly puffed up. We can't wait for you to see the apartment now it is all fixed up for it is certainly adorable. Perkinson leaves in two weeks for Schenectedy for good so I become sole master of the "gas cars" then. I understand Clingerman is coming into our office to take George Hill's place as he is to leave soon too. ..... Our tenant came through with the check for $10 yesterday so the letter did some good. Also our first California Edison dividend, so we are feeling quite easy financially.

[[underlined]] To Mother, February 22, 1927 [[/underlined]]: One month ago today! We have been married a whole month and are quite domestic and staid now. ..... I had asked Luther to come over and see us some evening with his wife. He is one of the young engineers in our office--the one who handled the "New Havens" and the mammoth "Great Northern." They came over last evening. We played cards and had an awfully pleasant time. Luther is very bright and different and they both play wonderful bridge. His wife made me think of Doris a little. And tonight Miller and his wife are coming over to see us. He and I were on "loco" test together. He is up in the next office now. ..... Willie and Frances Mertens called