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[[underlined]] To Mother, April 5, 1927 [[/underlined]]: Willie and I went out for a drive Sunday afternoon despite the grayness and enjoyed our trip, going over to Wattsburg and Union City, a really beautiful ride if the weather only had been clear and sunshiny. Sunday evening we went to church. ...... I have a life of Thomas Hardy from the Library and find it very interesting. Did you know that Mr. Hardy started out to be an architect? He abandoned this at the age of about 24--just my age now. Not that I am contemplating abandoning my profession but it simply occurred to me. The book says that the description of Egdon Heath in the first chapter of "The Return of the Native," is one of the greatest pieces of description in the English language. I believe it must be too; I have never read anything so wonderful. ...... Odard Dutton has a car now--paid $25 for it I believe. It is a coupe and he has painted it [[underlined]] himself [[/underlined]]. I saw it this evening and it is a pale blue and bright orange, the awfulest combination I ever saw. It was standing in front of the Dutton's house and Odard was sitting pridefully on the porch, evidently enjoying to the utmost the sensation it was creating among passers-by. ...... Probably if I had seen Nazimova play in "Hedda Gabler," I shouldn't have been so keen about this presentation. It really wasn't bad though. ...... We have had a letter from Mr. Weikel in Japan. He seems much interested in his work and enjoys the experience. We said goodbye today to Rogers of the Locomotive Division who is leaving for Chile to guard the destinies of the five Anglo-Chilean locomotives being shipped. He will be gone about a year this time. Recently he spent nearly a year in Spain on the Spanish Northern. ...... I had a card from Ferella from Pisa the other day. No message except his best wishes and his address. Also had a card from Castellino who is now in Boston with Stone & Webster, the big engineering firm there. He sent his regards to you.

[[underlined]] To Mother, April 28, 1927 [[/underlined]]: I am down at the Dutton's now writing this before dinner. Your train letter came today. I loved to hear your account of the trip. Speaking of writing, I think you could do very well too. ...... Willie writes of one continual whirl. But she's on her way to Erie now and will arrive here at 10:32 a.m. tomorrow. I presume she will "come home to take a rest" now after all the rushing around of the last two weeks. ...... Mrs. Dutton sends you her best. She says they had a fine meeting in Buffalo. Mr. D. bought an $8.00 Dunlap hat, which the wind blew off and rolled all over the street much to his disgust. ...... Housden and I inspected the Western Union office last evening--wonderfully interesting. Then we got Adeline and went to hear Vitaphone and view "Too Many Crooks." Mildred Davis (Lloyd) is still very cute but what a silly picture. After taking Adeline home, Housden took me home and came in for a little while; we had a nice chat--he is interesting. Housden's coming in with me last night helped out but I surely miss you.