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The demonstrator gas-electric car that I went to Philadelphia several times about, was there too. I'm enclosing a little folder they passed out describing it. I designed the control equipment for this outfit. She will go nearly 75 mph. We got back in Erie about 10 p.m. somewhat weary but throughly satisfied that we had spent a worthwhile day. ...... I'm enclosing a letter from Freddie which I took the liberty of reading since I was so anxious to hear about him. He must have had a glorious vacation. And the fact that he was with Gertrude nearly all the time indicates pretty strongly they are engaged, don't you think?

[[underlined]] To Mother, October 8, 1927: [[/underlined]] The moon tonight is full and large and yellow and we are going for a drive in the country to look at the corn stacked together in the moonlight and see the fields full of pumpkins. I do not doubt it is most beautiful in Buena Vista now. ...... Johnnie Walker of the Motor Division has just returned from Skykomish and Brough some news of the Great Northern. The railroad, as you know, already had two new locomotives built by Westinghouse, but these locomotives are really two small ones coupled together, while ours is just one, huge single unit. So the railroad men have called ours the "Sport Model." ...... I am still very busy at the office. Am about to plunge into writing two instruction books and also preparation of a proposition for the Spanish Northern--ten freight locomotives.

[[underlined]] To Mother, October 12, 1927: [[/underlined]] Your little note of the 10th came today and it made me feel very unhappy because, to hurt you in any way, hurts me awfully. I think the explanation of my not writing oftener is the fact that time seems to absolutely fly by for me. A week is gone almost before it has seemed started. And in that way, I suddenly find it has been almost a week since I last wrote to you. I shall try hard to be more thoughtful. ...... The Engineering Dept. has a bowling league in the winter and this year I expect to bowl some with them commencing tonight. We bowl every Wednesday evening downtown, about everyone in our offices participating.

[[underlined]] To Mother, October 16, 1927: [[/underlined]] You are so lucky to be near good football games. Academy High here is our best offering although I do believe they have a very good team. Week before last they played Atlanta (Georgia) High whose team came all the way here for the game. Atlanta won by a 11-to-7 score. Charles Macloskie, Adeline's brother, is a cheerleader. Last week the team journeyed to Dayton, Ohio, for a game. Charles and two other boys undertook to go to Dayton in a Ford touring car which they bought for $10.00. They left Erie about 5 p.m. Friday and at 5 a.m. Saturday, they were as far as Akron, about 100 miles. It is said they had seven punctures the first hour. They finally did get the tires fixed up and an hour or so before the game,