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a few miles from Dayton, the car stopped completely. So they pushed it over into a cornfield and bummed their way on, arriving just in time for the game, which Erie won 26-0. Charles bummed his way back to Erie, riding in a Pierce-Arrow most of the way. But one of the other boys undertook to bring the Ford back. When he reached the cornfield where they'd left it, the Ford was gone. He finally located it in a nearby town, classified as "abandoned" and in the custody of the sheriff. After telling the sheriff a very hard-luck story (the boy had nothing to prove the car belonged to him), the sheriff agreed to toss a coin for the Ford and the boy won, turning up in Erie Tuesday with the Ford after another journey full of blowouts, etc. ...... This afternoon we drove to Westfield. The Welch grapejuice factory smells like some huge wine distillery must in France. And as one drives along through the vineyards, the grapes smell as sweet as can be. The leaves are turning here now and it is beginning to be lovely in the country. We drove to the top of the hill at Westfield and could see the Canadian shore plainly.

[[underlined]] To Mother, October 18, 1927: [[/underlined]] You certainly did have a wild ride to and from Lynchburg. I think I remember that short cut from Glasgow--don't they call it the "River Road?" The one I am thinking of is a one-way proposition without qualification--two long deep ruts through the country. It must be fun to take rides like that. They are such a contrast to our paved highways where a ride is seldom distinguished by anything unusual. I have to smile though when I think how I felt on the detours we traversed on our trip to Syracuse. Still, if they had gone through woods, mountains and creek beds, I might have enjoyed them. ...... Ted Elliott has returned from the west with news of the GE expeditionary forces in the wilds of the Cascade mountains. Skykomish consists of twenty houses, a drug store, a pool room, and a hotel. The GE headquarters are in the latter. The Luthers are getting along very well, there being the wife of a young Great Northern engineer there also, who makes it pleasant for "Tony." They are all working about 24 hours a day, I guess, and the two "sport models" are rendering a very good account of themselves save for a few minor mishaps. We expect them back before Christmas. ...... Brandenstein, who has moved to Schenectady, was here today on business and says he prefers Erie to Schenectady. He had a letter from my old friend and co-worker, Perkinson, who is now in Chile with the Anglo-Chilean Consolidated Nitrate Corp. "Perk" seems to be enjoying his experience although the food and temperature are both not so agreeable. I guess it is a great experience for him.

[[underlined]] To Mother, October 23, 1927: [[/underlined]] The factory has been pressing us all week for the Chicago, North Shore & Milwaukee diagram and Friday, Works Manager Griswold came in to find out how soon we would have it completed. So I spent Friday evening on it and stayed over a while yesterday with one of the draftsmen on it.