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And now I have the tracing home over the weekend to give it a final check. ...... I see that Syracuse, after leading 6-0 for almost the entire game, lost 6-9 to Penn State yesterday, which was certainly disappointing. I suppose Brancke in our office, a Penn State man, and also Mr. Webb, will have something to say about that tomorrow. It was the first time that Penn State had ever beaten Syracuse or even scored a touchdown on them. ...... Willie made grape jelly the other day, which turned out wonderfully and she was so proud that she just beamed all over. She also tried her first pumpkin pie yesterday and that turned out very well, so she is getting very confident of herself now and attempts most anything. Today it is lamb chops "London Style," which she learned about at cooking school yesterday. We haven't had them yet but they smell mighty good. ...... The Lottridges were in yesterday evening. Ethel admired the "ivory bear"--just raved about him. He has been much admired since his appearance on our desk. ...... The Dodgem has traveled about 2,500 miles now. I gave him a very thorough bath yesterday and he looks like new. We are beginning to appreciate a closed car now that the crisp days are coming on and particularly on the evenings when it is cold and raining and we want to go out. But we are still homesick for the original "Dodgem" sometimes when we think how faithfully he took us many places. Dick and Ethel have a Dodge just like our old one and it seems like old times to ride in it.

Erie, Pa.,
Monday, October 25, 1927.

Nearly a month has passed since I last wrote in my diary in spite of all good resolves to the contrary. In fact, I was beginning to be afraid That I had lost my power of self-control and simply did not have the will power to sit down every evening, regardless of how short a time, and write something down. So tonight I take up the story again.

In my work, I am doing tolerably well although I'm not putting into it, the imagination I should even now. Still my work is good and I think I'm doing very well in it. My fears about becoming sidetracked as Bredenberg's handyman are dispelled--I had the wrong ttitude about that, I'm sure. I feel confident that I am headed in the right direction in my work. But outside the office, in my daily life, I am not at all satisfied. My time has nothing to show for it. I sleep too much and think too little. I want to be forever in a transition upward and not downward. I want to be different, broad, versatile, undersyanding, cultured, a gentleman, someone of interest, someone keenly awake to the whole wonder of this life and this world in which it is lived. I want success. [[underlined]] I am ambitious. [[/underlined]] And being that way, I shrink from the tendency to slip into a rut. I am still young and I know that this is the time to win my battle.