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[[underlined]] To Mother, November 21, 1927: [[/underlined]] Saturday evening, we had the Elliotts, Lottridges and Henshaws here to play bridge. It made a very enjoyable evening. It was our first "party" except for Willie's club and we were quite excited about it. People seem to be unanimous in thinking we have a very cosy and attractive little home here. It is the nicest I have seen hereabouts for its size. ...... I'm terribly busy at the office all the time. My newest job is writing up the "Paulista" instruction book. The Paulistas are the three big passenger locomotives we are now building for "Tia Paulista de Estradas de Ferro" of Brazil. So you can see how varied my work is and therefore how interesting. And it looks as though I should have a hand in the New York Central's "New York and Boston to Buffalo" proposition. They want us to guarantee how many locomotives we will supply for $70,000,000.

[[underlined]] To Mother, November 24, 1927: [[/underlined]] We had a chicken today and it was certainly good although Willie's first attempt. We used all our silver platters, vegetable dishes, sterling knives, forks, etc. in honor of the day. Just before dinner, Dick and Ethel stopped by and took me to the Peninsula for a little airing. The lake was very rough; in fact, it has been a very dark, windy day with occasional rain squalls. This morning I greased and washed Dodgem and tightened up his shackles so he should now be very quiet, and looks about like new in spite of his 3,000 miles. ...... The new railroad station is scheduled to open on December 3rd, so we hope to be able to meet you there instead of at the long barn like structure serving now. The new one is really quite fine and is said to have as good material in it as the Grand Central in New York. ...... Today I took my first piano lesson from Willie, who is going to try to impart enough knowledge to me to enable me to eventually learn to play. As long as we have a piano and I love music so much, it can't do any harm for me to see what I can pick up. I certainly should love to be able to play some, but know it is a rather long and arduous road, particularly for someone grown up. ...... I am now reading "The Romance of Navigation," which is really a history of navigation. The stories of all the old explorers such as Vasco da Gamma, Columbus, Magellan, Drake and all the rest, are certainly interesting and more amazing than any fiction. I like history. Think I'll try Parkman next. ...... We are looking forward to seeing you next month, and said today what a jolly Christmas we shall all have together.

[[underlined]] To Mother, December 2, 1927: [[/underlined]] Erie is having quite auspicious times this week. Today, the new Ford appeared (Model A) and the streets were jammed, traffic halted, and no parking places available for blocks in every direction from the downtown area. All the farmers in Northwestern Pennsylvania were in town to inspect it and they say it was almost necessary to actually fight one's way into the showroom. I saw pictures of the new