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models and they appear to be very attractive little cars. We have hopes of getting a peek at it this evening after we have mailed this letter although I fear the same crowds will be hovering near it. ...... Tomorrow the new station is to be dedicated with, so it is said, the president of the New York Central and vice-president of the Pennsylvania present. ...... I had the pictures taken yesterday by Erickson, who is supposed to be not only the best photographer in Erie, but, I am told, one of the best in the country. He has exhibited photographs in the London Salon and elsewhere, besides winning the first prize last year in some large American photographical exhibit. For this latter accomplishment, he has a silver cup fully two feet high reposing in his studio. So Monday I'm expecting to see the proofs and am looking forward to it with interest. ...... Mr. Webb says that Luther wont be back this year so we don't expect to see them before January or February now. ...... The "Mongrel" is delayed in going to test as we expected, so my trip to Schenectady is holding fire at present. The poor old "Mongrel," being the first big job to be wired up by the American Locomotive Company, will probably suffer for it.

[[underlined]] To Mother, December 5, 1927: [[/underlined]] Yesterday we went down and inspected the new depot, and once inside, it is hard to believe one isn't in some section of the Grand Central in New York. I wont describe it so you will get the full benefit of your surprise when you arrive here. Suffice it to say that it is a lovely little station and would do credit to any city.
