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I stopped in Schenectady Monday where I saw the Comstocks. Miss Comstock understands that Mrs. Schenck is slightly unbalanced mentally right now on the subject of Lewis--thinks everyone is trying to take him away from her and they say he is engaged. Schenectady is the same as ever--I think that I would prefer Erie. Heard that Nina Nikiforoff is married--to some Russian in Mexico and the whole family is living down there now. Got to New York Monday evening and spent the next two nights at the Commodore. I rather wanted to see Roger but didn't have an opportunity to look him up. Wednesday noon I was walking through one of the arcades in Grand Central and ran right into him. Wasn't that a coincidence? We had dinner together that evening just before I left for Erie. I have never seen anyone who changes so little in looks or manner or ways than Rog. To me he seemed exactly as he was six years ago in every way. Of course I've seen him since we left Syracuse but he is still the same as when in college. Typical conversation:

I: Rog, I don't suppose you support a car down here.
Rog: No, I support the taxi cab companies principally.
I: I dont' suppose you could use a car much here anyway.
Rog: If you were here, you'd use the taxis too. It's the best system. If you go to a show, you don't have to worry about parking. If you're drunk, you don't have to worry about driving.

Roger is just as lovable and funny as ever and he looks precisely the same as he ever did. He inquired about you several times and asked to be remembered to you. And I forget to say the same thing about Miss Comstock.....Most of my time in New York was spent on a locomotive riding between New York and Brewster up through the fashionable section where John D's home is located at Pocantico Hills. In fact, the line runs right through his estate and he is having the railroad moved now at a cost of five million dollars--just to get it off his property.......Enclosed is receipt for Electric Bond & Share stock dividend which you should sign and return to Bankers Trust Co. The AT&T have announced they will issue stock rights shortly--the most valuable in some time. Yours will be worth several hundred dollars.

[[underline]] To Mother, May 25, 1930: [[/underline]] We have a plan for our vacation which seems good and ought to make it possible for you to be with us. You know we have tentatively planned to drive to Colorado the last two weeks in September, leaving Bab at Louisville. We would like to go sooner but it is so [[underline]] frightfully [[/underline]] hot in Louisville early in September, we hate to leave Bab there then. Our plan now is to leave Louisville on a Saturday morning (Willie having taken Bab down on the train and I following in Dodgem), arriving Denver Tuesday night, which looks perfectly practical as the roads are good and it would mean driving about 300 miles