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picks words up much faster now and has a large vocabulary. She enjoys so much the little picture book you sent her and knew almost everything in it including the Y in BABY. She recognized that from the Y on her Humpty-Dumpty book, which Willie taught her to point out. She says "Wye" too. Another new and difficult word is "brella" for umbrella. She shows no signs of chicken pox yet but there is still a week before she will be out of the possibility of it. ...... The announcement of "Jake's" engagement was in the paper tonight--to an Erie girl whom we don't know. ..... We haven't made any vacation plans yet. We have a wild dream of possibly taking out vacation around the first of October when it would be cool enough to leave Bab in Louisville. Willie says she doesn't want to ask her family to give up two weeks of their vacation again this year to stay in Erie with her and we feel she is still a little young to take away with us. If we did leave Bab in Louisville October 1st, we would take an auto trip somewhere from there, I guess, but this is only an idea we have. ..... Jack Anderson says his mother is going to Europe this summer, her first rip, and she has been threatening to do it for years. She is Aunt Hattie Chapman's friend, you remember. And she is about your age. I couldn't help thinking of your ideas of going across sometime. I wish we could go over together but don't know how I'd get the time. Would enjoy spending about three months over there touring around leisurely. .....We shall be looking forward to seeing you around the last of May.


In addition to these letters to Mother, there are a few diary entries in early June that I'll put in at this point:

Erie, Pa.,
June 7, 1930.

A seven-month lapse since I last wrote in here! Have read Arnold Bennett's book of essays, "How to Live," and it has given me a new urge to play a better game. I think a diary is a help in any program for better, broader living. So here goes again!

It is 11:30 p.m. and Bab has just started to fuss for some reason, so my diary's first entry may be interrupted.

My biggest job now is to improve my attitude and learn better how to make the most of things. Kindness, self-control, unselfishness, understanding, courtesy, thoughtfulness--all these aspects of my game need a lot of improvement right now and they are [[underlined]] all going to get it.[[/underlined]] I have a good foundation to build on and the structure this time is going to be more beautiful than ever before.

Bab has stopped fussing and I think I'd better get to bed. Tomorrow for a day as a day [[underlined]]should[[/underlined]] be!

Transcription Notes:
her first rip, and she has been - entered as in the original