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this and that, feeling that I didn't have the grip that I ought to on things. I don't want to be priggish about things but I do want to have restraint always in control, one hand on the throttle and the other on the brake valve.
I have had gas on my stomach for several days for some reason and I find myself worrying about it. I worry about a pain here and something else there instead of having a little faith. LET'S GO!

New York, N.Y.,
November 19, 1930.

Cleaned up the 3501 today and brought her to Hoboken, Said goodbye to Fred James, general foreman of the locomotive back shop at Kingsland, a dreamer whom nobody seems to like very well but whom I rather enjoyed. He appealed to me as being perhaps a lonely man cast in the wrong role, in the wrong environment. Felt sick all afternoon and think I got poisoned by some meat I ate at the "dump" in Kingsland. Went to bed at 8:45, a rare thing, as I usually feel like staying up these nights.

New York, N.Y.,
November 20, 1930.

Put 3501 in service on the Jersey City break-up job, Worked from 8 a.m. to midnight and renewed friendship with Eric, the unique, a real railroader and a real man. There's nothing put on about Eric. He's genuine. No frills, swears as few can, but the foundation, the interior, the things that count, are THERE--honesty, kindness, squareness, unselfishness. Eric is my idea of a [[underlined]] real guy [[/underlined]]-- the finest type of railroader.

New Your, N.Y.,
November 22, 1930.

Had 3502 on her first monthly inspection today and she looked very good. Two GE-708's had flashed at some time but the JR protects so well, the flashes left only traces of burning.
Tonight I wanted to locate Bob Williamson to see if he wouldn't go to "Madame Butterfly" with me. And he had the same idea, waiting for me at the station. We went and we heard Maria Mueller, Tokatyan and Scotti. Mueller is absolutely [[underlined]] magnificent [[/underlined]]. I never appreciated just how much so until tonight. She combines the power and grandeur of Ponselle with the purity of Bori. From now on, she is on my list of world's greatest--a glorious voice, a beautiful woman, a wonderful actress. To listen to music like that puts one on a higher plane of life all in a few hours or even minutes.