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[[underlined]] San Marcial Plants [[/underlined]]

[[red checkmark]] [[underlined]] Populus wislizeni [[/underlined]], abundant on river flats
[[red checkmark]] [[underlined]] Salix [[blank]] [[/underlined]] narrow leaf " " [[dittos for: abundant on river flats]]
[[red checkmark]] [[underlined]] " [[ditto for: Salix]]
 [[blank]] [[/underlined]] wide leaf " " [[dittos for: abundant on river flats]]
[[red checkmark]] [[underlined]] Prosopis pubescens [[/underlined]], Screw beans are common over bottom lands, often in thickets.
[[red checkmark]] [[underlined]] Prosopis glandulosa [[/underlined]] - Common along edge of river valley and up the washes as far as I went - to 17 miles west. Usually low and in wide bunches.
[[red checkmark]] [[underlined]] Plucea borealis [[/underlined]], common in places on the flats.
[[red checkmark]] [[underlined]] Rhus microphylla [[/underlined]] - " [[ditto for: common]] in washes and along edge of valley. Extends back to 17 miles.
[[red checkmark]] [[underlined]] Chilopsis linearis [[/underlined]], A few in lower washes.
[[red checkmark]] [[underlined]] Covillea tridentala [[/underlined]], abundant on lower mesas and hot slopes back 6 to 10 miles. Often the dominant plant for miles. Some still on hot slopes at 17 miles west.
[[red checkmark]] [[underlined]] Lycium berlandieri [[/underlined]]? com. in washes & on mesa.
[[red checkmark]] [[underlined]] Baccharis glutinosa [[/underlined]] - common over mesa
[[red checkmark]] [[underlined]] Baccharis [[strikethrough]] graminea [[/strikethrough]]
 glutinosa [[/underlined]]
[[red checkmark]] [[underlined]] Ephedra trifurcata [[/underlined]] (big green) Common in the washes and on mesa.
[[red checkmark]] [[underlined]] Ephedra [[blank]] [[/underlined]] (low blue) A little on mesa.
[[red checkmark]] [[underlined]] Fallugia paradoria [[/underlined]], common in washes.

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[[underlined]] San Marcail [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] July 31 [[/underlined]] - Came from Mountainair in the night & woke up at San Marcail. Got a horse & buggy and drove west to get into the San Mateo range but could not make it in one day. Went near enough to see the timber on this & a range to the north of it and on the Magdalenas. Went about 19 miles on the Rosedale road & then turned back. The mts are not high enough for Canadian but the tall [[insertion]] [[red checkmark]] P ponderosa [[/insertion]] yellow pines begin about half way up and go to the tops of all 3 ranges. [[insertion]] [[red checkmark]] P. edulis [[/insertion]] Nut pines & [[insertion]] [[red checkmark]] J. monosperma [[/insertion]] Juniper cover the lower slopes and foothills.

[[underlined]] Lower Sonoran zone [[/underlined]] is strongly marked along the Rio Grande valley & back on the lower mesas about 8 or 10 miles west of the river. It follows up large washes on the hot slopes to 17 miles west on the Rosedale Road.

On the river flats the dominant plants are [[insertion]] [[red checkmark]] Populus fremonti [[/insertion]] Cottonwood, [[insertion]] [[red checkmark]] Prosopis pubescens [[/insertion]] Screw bean, [[insertion]] [[red checkmark]] Prosopis glandulosa [[/insertion]] mesquite, [[red checkmark]] Plucea borealis, and [[red checkmark]] Rhus microphylla.