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[[underlined]] Beaver [[strikethrough]] Creek [[/strikethrough]] Lake [[/underlined]] Gila Nat. Forest.

[[underlined]] Odocoileus hemionus [[/underlined]] - A good many fresh tracks & old horns seen along the road.
[[underlined]] Antilocapra [[/underlined]], Hotchkiss says there are more antilope in here near Beaver Lake than any place he knows, When camped here last January trapping wolves he saw antelope every day & thinks there were 600 or 700 in this vicinity. He counted as high as 80 in a bunch. Says they are common on the Cooney Prairie between the Black Range (just west of here) & the Elk Mts. & that some get onto the mesa south of this little "Black Range." Also a few on the mesas on head of Indian Creek, south of Corduroy last winter, about 20. He says a band of some 25 Navajos were in here last winter hunting deer & antelope & he thinks they got a big lot of both. He saw an Indian trying to sneak onto a bunch by carrying in front of him a hoop of cloth painted to represent an antelope, but one of the cowboys saw it & began shooting and scared them off. The Indian followed after the bunch and probably got another chance.

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is formed by two opposite side gulches that have washed heavy Jams across Beaver Creek channel & dammed it up. The water is fresh & good & there are weeds around shore.
A marsh a mile below furnishes good breeding ground for some birds, but ducks are said to be common on the lake at all seasons, especially in winter. There are 7 species here now, Mallards [[insertion]] 132 [[/insertion]], Gadwell [[insertion]] 135 [[/insertion]], blue [[insertion]] 140 [[/insertion]] & green [[insertion]] 139 [[/insertion]] winged teal, Ruddy [[insertion]] 167 [[/insertion]], Scaup [[insertion]] 149 [[/insertion]], & Redhead [[insertion]] 146 [[/insertion]] also coots [[insertion]] 221 [[/insertion]] & a lot of sandpipers. Yellow headed blackbirds [[insertion]] 497 [[/insertion]], Redwings [[insertion]] 498 [[/insertion]] & Brewers [[insertion]] 510 [[/insertion]] are common in the marsh below & rails were heard there also. The gulches are full of timber, Yellow pines & gambls oak, & bushes along the base of cliffs. Good cover for birds & mamals.
Birdseye was anxious to set wolf traps so he & Hotchkiss went out & set 3 before dark. Hotchkiss says there were lots of wolves here last winter