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[[underline]] Chusca Mts. Mammals 

Odocoileus [[/underlined]] no signs seen.
Sciurus aberti, common in yellow pines

" [[ditto for: Sciurus]] mogollonensis " [[ditto for: common]] in spruce gulches

Callospermophilus lateralis, common, One caught & several seen up to Oct. 4, very fat. One ran down a yellow pine & had its cheeks full of pine seeds.

Eutamias 4vittatus? Common in yellow pines, climb trees

Peromyscus rufinus, common

" [[ditto for: Peromyscus]] sonoriensis " [[ditto for: common]]

Neotoma fallax " [[ditto for: common]]

Microtus mordax " [[ditto for: common]]

Cynomys gunnisoni, common is spots to 9000. Indians drown em out.

Thomomys fossor, common at 9000 - in woods

" [[ditto for: Thomomys]] apache " " " [[dittos for: common at 9000]] around lakes.

X " [[ditto for: Thomomys]] aureus? 1 taken at first camp, about 8000.

Lepus halzveri, common at 7500 to 9000. 2 taken.

Erethizon epixanthus, common, 3 taken [[male symbol]], [[female symbol]], & yg [[female symbol]].

Urocyon [[blank]] tracks seen in low canyons 

Canis latrans , common, 1 taken.

[[underlined]] Taxidea [[/underlined]] [[blank]] " [[ditto for: common]] dig out microtus, Thomomys, Cynomys, Callospermophilus.

Mephitis [[blank]] a few tracks & holes

[[overwritten]] E [[/overwritten]] Ursus americanus, old sign, said to be here. One killed near Window, below Agency. 

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[[underlined]] Chusca Mts. 

Oct. 3. [[/underlined]] Still windy and cold and a little snow flying most all day. Set coyote and gopher taps up by the lakes and hunted in woods. Got a mallard & big squirrel & saw turkey tracks and porcupine dens.

[[underlined]] Oct. 4. [[/underlined]] Cleared off without storming, but had a very cold night, heavy frost & thick ice. Warmed up with the sun and had a pleasant, quiet day. 

Caught 3 porcupines, 2 species of Thomomys (fossor & apache) Microtus monticola, Eutamias quadrivittatus, And Birdseye got Neotoma fallox, Sciurus mogollonensis, Eutamias, Microtus & Peromyscus. A Coyote howled around camp nearly all night but did not find my traps up by lake. Set a few more traps. 

Transcription Notes:
reviewed -@meg_shuler