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[[underlined]] Down to Crystal

Oct. 11 [[/underlined]] Went down to Crystal for mail and took a short cut across the mts. & down a canyon on west slope. Found this canyon about the same as Cottonwood Canyon only not so wide or long & with a smaller stream. No one lives in it but sheep & goats are herded in the lower part.

Junipers & nut pines come up on South slope into lower part. Robins & Solitares are common in the Juniper and the Solitares singing jubilently. Saw a fresh bear track at head of canyon.

At Crystal the Upper Sonoran Zone is marked on warm slops by Junipers & nut pines, Bigelovia tortifolia, Tetrodymia canescens, Guterizia, and Opuntia. By Perodipus & Aphlocoma.

It is not very strong or pure.

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[[underlined]] Oct. 12 [[/underlined]]. Started at noon, passed through Cottonwood pass and down onto the second bench, then north 5 or 6 miles and down to the flat of Tunecha Creek and down the creek to the Indian settlement & camped long after dark. Came about 20 miles. And from 9000 to 5300.

From the lower edge of Transition zone at 7000 feet we passed through a belt of Nut pine, Juniper (monosperma & scopulorum) Artemisia tridentata & arbuscula, Cowania, Cercocarpus parvifolius, Yucca angustifolia & baccata, Opuntia (3 flat and 1 round species)

At about 5500 feet we left the Juniper belt & came out onto short grass plains for the rest of way.
Half a dozen big, wide leaf cottonwoods are scattered along the flats & gulches at the Indian settlement, but other vegetation is scarce. Sarcobatus and Atriplex canescens & confertifolia are abundant on some soils