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[[underlined]] Pope Hotel [[underlined]]--This was the really tough spot and again I believe that I was there once or maybe twice. It was black also including an orchestra and black dancers who did things that even the police might have looked upon with disfavor like picking dollar bills up off the tables in unconventional ways. It was an ancient flea-bag dump of a place on French between 13th and 14th as I recall, and you had to have pretty low taste to enjoy it. In fact, it was the kind of a spot where you hesitated to drink out of the glasses for fear of being contaminated. But occasionally you'd find a customer who liked such a dive and you'd get angled into going to one whether you liked it or not.

[[underlined]] Waterford Road [[underlined]]--Somehow, one winter night I got so angled into taking Charlie Williams of the Lackawanna to a dive several miles out in the country on the Waterford Road--I can't remember the name. I don't know how we happened to go there. Maybe somebody recommended it as a joke. At any rate, when we got there, barely making it successfully because of drifting snow, we discovered it was a homosexual hangout and apparently, to look at the crowd there, and the way they acted, we were the only normal people in the place. We left in a hurry but still had a rough time getting the car back up to the road, running over a big rock buried in the snow along the entrance drive and nearly stoving in the crankcase. I thought to myself that I deserved to get into trouble after letting myself get sucked into such a mess as this.

[[underlined]] Vines' [[underlined]]--I said previously that I didn't remember this place but I now believe it was a saloon on East 5th right behind the Ford Hotel and quite a decent place, where we'd drop in for a drink or a sandwich occasionally.

[[underlined]] Owl's Club [[underlined]]--This was a "key club" on West 8th a few doors west of Peach where we'd drop in once in a while with a member like Hank Hoffman, our contract service manager. It was in an old residence and strictly second rate. I really can't recall what the attraction was except that it was private and so the crowd was screened a little although I don't think it took much to qualify for membership.

[[underlined]] Elks Club [[underlined]]--This was another private club not too hard to get into as a member or otherwise. It was usually jammed and had a huge bar. It was located at 8th and Peach on the ground floor of the Elks Club which was about a six-story building. It had little attraction.

I'm going to end this account with something about two places which had real class of a homespun sort and which meant a great deal to us as entertainment spots: The Waldameer Beer Garden, and Johnny Knoll's Tavern at Harborcreek, two unique places. In fact, we used Waldameer for personal purposes a great deal also.