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[[lined notepad paper glued to page]]
0363  #376 GCT to NH.  Eng. Pyle 12 cars.
[[six column table]]
|Place|Trans. Pyra.|Trans. Air| Amb.| Time} Lv.|
|GCT|57|48|27| - |4:20|
|S.Nor.|51|41|24| - |5:32|
|NH|66|48|22|6:29 Ar.|6:31| (9 m. late)
[[/six column table]]

*Plugged at Bullard to let another job into B'port ahead of us.

0363 #29 NH to GCT Eng. Swartz
  14 cars

[[six column table]]
|Place|Trans. Pyra.|Trans. Air| Amb.| Time} Lv.|
[[/six column table]]
On time - perfect run. [[/lined notebook paper]]

The above is the sheet from my notebook recording 0363's handling of #376 after the various fixes had been made to achieve Pyranol circulation as it should be. This also records the return trip to Grand Central on #29 with 14 cars and no problems.