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record it here: A couple took the last train out of Grand Central one night to return home up around Greenwich. They arrived at the Grand Central a bit early but managed to get out to the platform where their train would leave and they noticed the last car was dark. So they went in there for a little petting but fell asleep. When they awakened about 3 a.m., they found they were still in Grand Central, their car not having been coupled to the train, and the train was long gone. They sued the New Haven for defamation of character because the girl's reputation was damaged by her being out all night with her boyfriend.
   The next day was my 36th birthday, which I spent up at Van Nest conferring with Bracken and Merrick on various matters before returning to Erie. We hashed over the ventilation matters again and lined up a series of tests for the following week which Guynes was planning to attend, after which we'd try to make a final settlement on changes.
    That same day, 0362 was in the shop for chipped flanges. However this was a prevalent condition on the other classes too and was due to the track condition so we didn't feel too disturbed about it. 0364 was in also but for monthly inspection. The previous day, she'd been involved in an incident at 125th Street Station, #15, 16 cars, Engineer Young. He'd made a stop there without dropping sand and had been unable to start. An MU train had to give him a boost to get going but he incurred a 15-minute delay. It was not considered any reflection on 0364--only on Engineer Young.
    And that is the end of my notebook. But as I've said, I resumed a day-by-day diary on July 9th Accordingly I'll file this account in the same volume with that. The greatest thrills for me with these particular locomotives were to come in September when we ran the freight tests from Cedar Hill over Hell Gate to Bay Ridge, the final test being run during the hurricane of September 21st. And this is all covered in detail in the renewed diary.