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Erie, Pa. July 10 '38
Had a great swim on the Peninsula with Bab & Rog this morning & incidentally polished off a swell sunburn.  I applied some stuff to my shoulders that "prevents sunburn but allows the skin to assume a smooth even tan."  Boy, was I deceived!
Drove to Chautauqua this noon, had a picnic en route high up above the lake near Northeast, picked up Mother at the gate & all drove around the lake, top down & rather hot - more sunburn but beautiful. Mother well.  Got home about 7PM & the Colonel arrived at 8PM from New York.

Erie, Pa., July 11, 1938
Phyllis Adams married Jack Brightfelt Saturday – a surprise to all; that is, that they would marry so soon. And today Cash Davis announces that Miss Nelson is to take Phylis place as stenographer to Brandenstein, MacLeod & Johnson. We are to use Miss Post, who will have a mere eight men to handle. Martha's first reaction was that she would quit first, dreading the new job & especialy Johnnie Johnson who is notoriously long winded and finicky. What she'll say tomorrow is a question. I think the principal reason for the move is to remove Martha from proximity to Rudy, whose interest in her, though doubtless innocent, has nevertheless, been obvious to all. Will be sorry to lose Martha; all in all, she's a good kid and I have considerable in common with her – a sense of humor and a love of music in particular.
Had dinner downtown at the Erie Restaurant with Rudy, Gordon McDonald & Henry Guy. Henry is very interesting, shrewd and friendly. He told me about Sam Insull today. Monroe, then head of the Central District, had a cocktail party

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