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Erie July 14, '38,
Am spending most of my time analyzing the various data we took on the New Haven relative to apparatus heating & am getting a big kick out of it. I do enjoy analytical work - there is much sound satisfaction in it.

Howard Hughes landed in New York at 2:37 PM today, completing the round the world flight in less than four days! He must have passed close to Erie but no one saw him. From Kitty Hawk to this! The most fantastic dreams of a few years ago come true and really not wondered at particularly.

Had quite a chat with Wayne Lynch today, among other things we mentioned Bill Frazer, the Union Pacific inspector. Bill is worth reportedly about a million bucks, a sloppy dresser, very reticent. He invited Lynch to his "camp" in Canada last summer; when Lynch got there he discovered a palatial layout with 15 house guests from millionaires to Chicago debs with their boyfriends. Frazer has been studying aviation since he got here, taking flying lessons, etc. No one knew anything about it; he never mentioned it. He left here one Thursday night, drove to Pittsburgh with Lynch for a dinner for Jeffers and then flew to Texas for a weekend with his grandmother and was back at work Monday AM in Erie. At the house party mentioned above, he was the worst dressed of all and spent most of his time tinkering with his motor boat engines. Is fearless on high places, driving like mad on mountain roads, standing on the brink of precipices etc. Has a very pretty wife and a big English bulldog. We took them to a Griswold Club X-mas dance in 1936

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