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room.  The conceited little fool!  If one knew nothing of her background that sort of thing would furnish an excellent index of it.  A nobody from North-east, daughter of a housekeeper who finally, I believe, married her employer, she rose to fame as a model through good looks and plenty of guts.  Indications are she's shallow and I predict a short lived success.  A Catholic. Parker Capps joined the Catholic Church to marry her.  She's exceptionally pretty but has no character in her face.  Carried away by glamour and success, her background asserts itself in her asinine conduct.  Too bad!

Felix Konn & his French wife have joined the Kahkwa Club in their campaign to crash Erie high society, and apparently they are succeeding.  How permanent it will be, I wonder.  His wife, whom I thought rather attractive at first, is certainly a flop on looks and clothes now.  But she may be very charming and brilliant.  Felix himself is smart, witty and ambitious.  Felix, ever since he came to Erie, has tried to work into the smart set and unsuccessfully until he brought this girl here as his wife.  That seemed to turn the trick.  But the brazen, methodical way they (I suspect Felix was the guiding genius) went about it was good.  Mrs. Pritchard arranged a tea for Mrs. Konn when she arrived, so she could meet all the G.E. women of the Transportation Dept. set.  With all arrangements made, at the last minute almost literally, Mrs. Konn found an excuse for not attending.  Cultivating the Seldens, Behrends, et al., they have taken a large house on West 7th St., joined Kahkwa, snubbed the G.E. people except those like the Tollins who move in the right places.  Felix is the strangest combination of a French mother, a Russian- 

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