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Erie, July 18, '38
After writing yesterday that we are going to Yellowstone anyway, it sounds rather odd to say that tonight we decided not to go. But we did. Not on account of the money involved but because after facing the cold stark realities of the trip, it just looks like too much of an undertaking with the two children along - 4500 miles of driving with its attendant risks, probable scorching weather. When we got back, we'd need another vacation to rest up. So we've decided to take the $325.00 and probably go somewhere and stay for two weeks of rest and relaxation. The main problem now is to spot a good place and we spent much time perusing the travel section of the N.Y. Times. All places sound good in the ads. By some hook or crook we've got to get a good one. I honestly feel a bit relieved to know the Yellowstone project is off - it had been secretly troubling me for a week. This is less glamorous but more sensible and will do us a world of good.

Erie, July 19, '38
Wrote a number of inquiries to various places this evening - Maine, Vermont, Cape Cod, etc. Stopped by at the Collins for some dope on Eagles Mere Park near Williamsport. Mrs. C. is awfully attractive & "Bill" nice as can be - one of those middle aged men with a young spirit. Mrs. Miller's report on Long Lake wasn't encouraging. So we are in a quandry as to where to go - hope the good lord will guide us to the right spot. 
Went down to mail cards, etc. and then the Colonel and I went to the station to see the "Century" slither through about 5 minutes late and going like the wind. After that, and under the influence of a couple of pre-Century

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