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the Colonel calls our regular poker gang, I never would have had such luck. Lately, Walter Scarborough has improved immensely in disposition, so that usually he is ^[[one of the]] principal sources of the life of the party.

Erie, July 23, '38.
We are really enjoying the Peninsula this year - had another romp in the rough, warm lake near the lighthouse this afternoon, Bab bids fair to be a fish in the water before long and after she has more swimming lessons. And Rog takes to it too although he is still a little timid.

At 5:30, Willie, Colonel & I went out to the Klund's Cottage where Jake & Ethel Brains had a beach picnic - steak roast over a big bonfire or rather log fire. I really believe I had more exercise than all the rest of July combined. Played ping pong, pitched horseshoes, sawed logs, horsed tables, food etc. Present were a goodly part of the GE gang - Kearns, Gouldthorpes, Moores, Aydeloths, Delahookes, Lamborns, Zirdlers, Brains, Cinlons, Wilsons, Sjobergs - and a few odd ones. A really delightful and thoroughly healthful evening. Betty Lynch had year old "Douglas" there - a cute, well behaved little chap. Zelma Sjoberg is pregnant.

Roy Sjoberg told me that Aug. 19 he is leaving the Company to take a job as assistant to "Silk" Corlette, N.Y. District Mgr. for A.C & F. - more money the main inducement. I believe I'd think a long time before leaving G.E. for an outfit like Brill and ACF. Roy is taking a leave of absence but I doubt if he comes back. Roy has always been one of the chronic belly achers about salary and I'm not surprised. I hope he is successful; he should be. He seems to be a good man in the urban transit line.

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