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and to see some of our people trying to do them was still funnier. I thought Rowe would bust a gut laughing at his wife in a square dance with a country boy - she was bewildered and once the country lad almost fell down when he made a pass at her and missed when she stepped the wrong way. Mr. Taft was on the outskirts and every time a girl came his way, he grabbed her and gave her a couple of twirls. Miss Oliver, the hostess, said in her soft Southern voice that "Mr. Taft was givin' them curb-service."

Shanty Shane
Aug. 5, 1938.
The first misfortune of the vacation befell us today. Beside it, the affair of the 3rd with "Sidney" seemed trivial. At lunch Willie was stricken with a pain in her back and in an hour she couldn't walk. I got an osteopath over from Bradford and he said she hadn't dislocated anything but her muscles were swollen in several places from hard exercise in the excessive heat followed by exposure on the float yesterday afternoon. He did her considerable good massaging her and told her to take it easy for a few days. So she's a semi-invalid and can barely walk with help - an ironic thing to happen on a vacation trip.

Tonight I got Willie and the children settled and then spent some time at the dance at the Lodge, arranged impromptu by Messrs. Taft, Rowe, Byers, etc after attending the square dance at Orford last night. Music was supplied by "Walter's"

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