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Dot Young: Dot was the piano soloist who played after luncheon and dinner. Dot was not pretty, a tall, big, soft looking girl with an acquiline face and a weak chin, rather pale. But she was a lot of fun and I think she liked the men; I danced with her several times and one could tell. She's a music teacher and can play anything from the classics to swing. Dot, I believe has been coming to Shanty Shane for quite a while; all the old timers seemed to know her.

Alice (Kruzenska)?: Alice, a big, rather attractive Polish girl, with a rather breathless way of talking, kept the accounts at the office and received the mazuma. Poor Alice made a mistake in Roger's rate and was all confusion about it. How she loved to dance and would get into the square dances whenever possible, although an amateur at them. I rescued her one night at the Orford barn dance, when she told her country juke square dance partner she had a dance taken when she didn't want to waltz with him. Danced with her several times afterward and the feel of her breasts, which one might describe as "noble", was extremely satisfactory. Alice was a nice girl; no mistake about that, but she had a full, powerful figure, typical of so many women of her race.

Rose Oliver: The hostess and kindergarten teacher, "Gypsy Rose," as the boys (Gerry, Bill, George) called her, grew on one. Southern, soft voiced, well bred, a high school teacher, she has been coming to Shanty Shane since 1926. Rose must be in the forties, an old maid I think but pretty and 

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed "Mazuma" is slang for money.