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reddish cocker spaniel, well behaved and attractive.

The Keegans:  Keegan was 40ish, short, rather tough looking but well dressed, dark, originally southern, now New Yorker and evidently with some money.  Don't know what he does.  Very pleasant and sociable.  His wife was definitely dumpy and looked older than her husband, who I suspect looked younger than he is or maybe she older.  At any rate her mother didn't look any older than she.  Billy, their chunky, red headed boy of about 12 was a well behaved youngster who loved the water - he was in a pair of trunks swimming or boating about half the time.  The most ornamental member of the party was "Ruthie," the maid, who was along to keep Billy company.  Ruthie was, in fact, perhaps the most ornamental person at Shanty Shane particularly in a bathing suit - maybe 18 or 20, blond, pretty, and a figure that was really excellent.  I don't think many knew her capacity as she was treated more like a daughter and it was good to see how Gerry and even Bob Simon went for her.  I didn't blame them.  Packard 120.

The Russels:  Mrs. Russel was not particularly friendly - has been coming to Shanty Shane for years and I think maybe the type who might resent the newcomers a bit.  At any rate, she acted a bit that way.  She used to sing occasionally and her soprano was terrible, like a fog horn on a high pitch and off key about 50% of the time - Terrible!  I don't think she had any ear for music.

But Marjorie, the daughter of maybe 18 made up for all the mother's shortcomings.  A more attractive girl, I haven't seen lately.  She is tall - so tall they say she used to cry about it - not particularly pretty but very attractive and