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Had the long anticipated steak supper over at the "old swimming hole" this afternoon.  It is a beautiful place back in the hills near East Thetford.  I took a lot of color movie shots there which should show it far better than I can describe it.  We had a softball game, horseshoes, etc.  Walter and Mr. Taft finally tossd Shifflett and Dr. Atwell for the Championships and in a thrilling finish [[strikethrough]] ed [[/strikethrough]] punctuated with ringers and leaners, they pulled up from 17 to 7 trailing to win over the Doc & Shiff.  I was glad for Walters's sake as everyone was expecting a lot from him.  When we got back to Shanty Shane, Taft announced it was his birthday and a celebration was in order.  So he & I drove over to Fairlee and got a dozen cans of ale for the crowd.  When we got back, Taft was presented a long, spiral balloon which he inflated amid a riot of laughter; also a rubber ball was duly received.  The cake consisted of a doughnut with a candle stuck in the hole.  Later, Taft said, "Well that wasn't bad considering my birthday's February 6th!"

Shanty Shane
Aug. 14, 1938.
Willie and I shot some practice golf this morning which seems to mark her full recovery.  Also she went in swimming afterward.  Got in some swell doubles this afternoon.  Mrs. Asche and Mr. Bowers vs. Mrs. Bamford & me.  We lost 1-6.  Mrs. Asche & I vs. Bowers & Bamford.  We won 7-5.  Ladies vs. men.  We won 6-4.  Had some beer left over from last night between 3rd & 2nd sets; really a lot of fun.  Bowers got hell from his wife for being late to swimming but guess he thought it was worth it.  This evening was quiet but pleasant except