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with a lot of canker sores the past few days so we slipped over to Fairlee after lunch to Dr. Aiken, a youngster just out of internship but ØBK, & he diagnosed it as too much acid in her system.  He treated her & gave her a gargle.  When we got back to the Big Shanty a storm was brewing over the Green Mts. & we had to call off the swimming to watch the rain and electrical display roll over the hills and all around us, only to touch us slightly.  In Fairlee & at Lake Morey, there was a near cyclone & much damage done.  You could see the rain roll across the hills and valleys across the lake like a big veil dropped from the heavier clouds.  In the evening we were treated to another beautiful sunset, softly tinting the clouds and the mist that hung over the slopes and valleys like fleecy snow.  We got in some bridge with the Bowers in the evening.

En route home
Aug. 17, 1938.
Paid my bill this morning and then looked up Jean Stewart and Mary, our waitresses and tipped them $6 & $2 respectively on Mr Taft's basis of $1 per person per week.  Gave the little chambermaid or should we say "cabin girl" a couple of dollars. They say she's married & has a baby. Then I searched out Walter to give him a couple of dollars for looking out for the children at swimming, building our fires in the morning, hauling our wood into the cabin from the woodpile outside and being generally helpful and pleasant.  I located him over at the garage about to take out the "pick up".  The conversation ran something like this: