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all right. Had I been alone, I should have gone to bed at once, but as I expected, Bob wanted to go in the club car for a couple, which proved to be a Scotch, known as "Fulstrength" and 114.2 proof. What a drink! We nailed the Union News man at Buffalo for a ham sandwich and then went to bed. I didn't have an overly good sleep on account of the two super-highballs and had to get up about 5 AM to relieve myself. So another lesson learned - don't drink if you don't want to. 
Bob told me considerable about his trip to Maine to recuperate and I responded about Shanty Shane. Among the interesting people he met was a girl, apparently well educated who he learned was living in the woods in a sleeping bag sans resources and on the verge of starvation. He offered to lend her $10.00 but she finally got a job of some sort in the village - said she had lived all her life on "borrowed" money and so had her family. It turned out that she was the daughter of one of the Adams family of Boston, I believe, who are rich and she was going Communist - thought their wealth was "borrowed" from the proletariat.

New York, N.Y.
Aug. 23, 1938.
Felt a bit rocky this morning and cursed the 114.2 proof, which Bob says is Scotch as it used to be before they ruined it by cutting it to 90 proof. Maybe so, but really can't say it was so super-excellent. Went to the office, got Jim Smith and rode 0364 to New Haven on #10 and back on #51, Ralston and Merrick accompanying us as far as Stamford. "Rally" was on the way to see Jim Bracken, who is home again and doesn't

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