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again and want to carry on this time till I ring the bell; then continue to ring it.  It will mean a lot to us all - to me in a superb satisfaction at accomplishing something I've always wanted to do, express myself.  To all of us, it will mean considerable financially.  I am certain that if I stick to it, I can make the grade.

Erie, Pa.
Sept. 5 "38.
Again Labor Day!  The summer has gone and all in all it has been a fairly satisfactory summer, mainly in that it has opened my eyes again to life as it should and can be for me.  I'm trying to get into it up to my neck and live again, even better than I have ever lived before.  Most of us only [[underlined]] half live [[/underlined]] - I realize that fully.
Mother invited us out to dinner today, so to avoid traffic we wracked our brains for a place to the south of town.  We finally thought of Pittifield Inn which we had all heard so much about.  It seemed like a long day, 60 miles, and Bab almost upset everything by citing "that awful place at Panama Rocks" as an example of what we might get into although well recommended.  But we took the bull by the horns, I phoned the place for a reservation, and we went.  [[underlined]] And [[/underlined]] we had a dinner that was up to all we hoped for.  It was a pretty drive especially south of Corry where the country begins to get wild.  Fall was in the air - the golden rod, the blue chickory, a tree turning here and there, forerunners of the blaze of color that soon will envelop the country.  The tall corn spread over many a hill that soon will be brown with autumn, spotted with yellow pumpkins.  This is a glorious time of year - to my mind, the best, much as I love summer.  The secret of it all, is to learn to love every season - for me only winter is difficult to enjoy thoroughly although it has its advantages in cold

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