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will prove a valuable aid in getting into a stride that will arrive me somewhere.

Ed Kelly had written Maurice more or less of a facetious note about the blow-up in the AC group on 0366 at Westport on train #73 recently, resulting in 1 hr. & 28 min. delay.  Maurice had replied defending us largely, on the strength of some arguments I dug up for him.  Yesterday he had a long reply from Ed defending his position.  Poor old sensitive Ed!  When it read it, I began to wonder how he took my facetious note last week with reference to his first letter in which I told him I thought it was "just a case of sloppy maintenance. H.D.C.A.!" and that I thought the blow-up was worth it for the kick it must have given Ed to take a crack at us for refusing to rearrange the AC switches to reduce voltage between adjacent ones.  I hope he didn't take offense.  Ed is unpredictable sometimes - sensitive and proud as hell.  I wouldn't hurt his feelings for anything but sometimes I fear I've been guilty of it unintentionally.

Erie, Pa.
Sept. 8, 1938.
Got my first proposition on Jake's "wheelbarrows" today - a 20 and 35 ton locomotive for TVA, Wilson Dam.  Had a bad headache all morning; it eased off some in the afternoon.  I am using my eyes a lot more lately & I think they are the cause as I've been bothered considerably lately by headaches.  May have to get new glasses.  Worked on Uzzell again tonight and really feel I'm getting somewhere.  It seems slow; I have an urge to get writing stories again but am sticking to the assignments and believe I'll be way ahead in the end.  Had lunch at the "Y" today and was served by the blond who Dutch Law used to rave about so.  Somehow, today is she didn't look quite so good.