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looking for the easiest way out. I've never seen anyone so characteristically lazy. And yet Bob has his good points. I've always admired the way he stuck to his wife through her years of illness, spent every cent he had and went way into debt to save her, lived in a room on 10th St., drove a dilapidated old Ford about ready to cave in, looked positively shabby himself. He has had a tough time of it and he deserves a lot of credit for that if nothing else.
Felix Korn is here with his wife, she acting as sort of an advance agent to make hotel arrangements etc. while he works. While I have never felt drawn to Felix personally, I certainly hand him credit for not being afraid to work hard and long hours, get dirty as hell, not shirk a single thing. On this test my eyes have been opened to him in this respect. I always knew he was a clever engineer. Now I know he's also a darned hard, conscientious worker too. He's right there. Felix's breakfasts are characteristic of his odd eating habits. They consisted of 4 Shredded Wheat Biscuits and a cup of coffee. His lunches at Erie are reported to consist of two cups of coffee half full of sugar, the latter being free and I believe the second cup of coffee also free. Felix told of buying [[underlined]] three months [[/underlined]] supply of shredded wheat recently at a special sale, saving $5 thereby. At the end of 3 months, they had to dry it out to make it palatable but that was okay.

Went to see Ralston and McKay this afternoon and McKay said he had things all lined up for Tuesday. McKay is a stocky, vigorous man of about 45, round pink face, puggy nose, pleasant gray eyes, and bushy upstanding gray hair. He is a great talker and full of ideas, pep, ambition. He's going places. 

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