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you." So in he came and Jim slipped him a dollar and he thanked us and beat it poste haste. We decided that was a good example of what had happened to the Republican Party, for whom the fellow asserted, he'd been working for thirty years, Jim said if Charlie Hess had seen us alight at the station from that jalopy, we'd never live it down. I couldn't help but think what a joke it would have been if the cop had come in and the fellow had been forced to leave sans fare.
We rode #0365 to New York on No. 59 in a driving rain some of the way. Had a bite, supper I suppose, about 10:30 PM, having finished lunch at 4:15 PM. And so to my room and to bed.

New York, N.Y.
Friday, Sept. 16, '38.
Went to the office this morning. Then dropped down to Child's with Jim Smith, entering as usual through the kitchen, while he had his breakfast. Jim kids most everyone - example:

Jim (to waitress) - "What does one have to do to get waited on here?"

Waitress - "You just sit here quietly and when your turn comes, you'll be taken care of."

Jim - "All right, well, bring me some prunes without wrinkles, two eggs, at least one fresh, a spot of tea and two pieces of toast done to a russet brown."

We discussed the tests most of the morning, had lunch at the Blue Bowl and then I came back to the hotel to write some letters, particularly one to Maurice. I walked back here with Bob Walsh and tried to find

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