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We sat around Kaysey's Restaurant after dinner chewing the rag after Elge beat it to catch a train for Pittsfield. Bob expanded on rugby football at great length - had played it from 12 on. Said after college he played for a couple of clubs, one the second oldest Rugby Club in England. He said a club has as many teams as the membership permitted, some times six, and you played on whatever team your ability and [[underlined]] ambition [[/underlined]] dictated. If you didn't want [[underlined]] to work too hard [[/underlined]] at the game, you purposely selected say team #3 or #5 or whatever it is and didn't try to play on the first team. I was dying to ask him which one he played on, but I didn't have the nerve. I wasn't thinking so much of his ability, which may have been excellent, but more of his inclination to work hard at it when he didn't have to.

Jim had a couple of good one about antiques which a friend of his has a hobby on.  (1) Friend bought an old sideboard in Vermont from an old farm lady for $150, which the lady thought was too much. When he had it cleaned and polished in New York, the dealer offered him $1000 for it, which he refused. He did take $500 just to let the dealer [[underlined]] copy [[/underlined]] it; then took it home and still has it.  (2) He fancied an oil painting in a Jew junk shop, bought it for $1.50. He got $200 for the painting he found [[underlined]] under [[/underline]d] the one he bought, a second canvas in the same frame.

Talking geneology, I recalled the time Harry Kelsey and I pulled into a roadhouse on the Boston Post Road and had three staggering "old fashions" when we suddenly discovered we were about 9th cousins, both descended from John and Priscilla Alden.

Am getting better acquainted with Tex Dowden on this trip than every before and like him better and better - a very quiet, gentlemanly, conscientious little chap, who's taking Jim Brachen's place at the moment. Jim, they say, is about the same 

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