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News sandwich and coffee man obligingly latched the door for him from his position in the aisle inside the coach.  As Bob now entered, the U.N. man said, "Want some sandwiches or coffee?"  To which Bob replied irritably and arrogantly, "No. I want you to get out of my way."

(2) In the grill at Grand Central, Bob & Alf had supper, and Jim and I sat with them.  Bob ordered a clam juice cocktail.  When the waiter was bringing it, Bob noticed Alf had an oyster cocktail, so he asked the waiter if he could have one instead.  The waiter said, "Well, we don't recommend it." Bob said, "Oh well then if it's not on the menu I won't have it."  When the waiter was gone, Bob asked me, "What did he mean by that?"  I said, "Well I took it to mean that as long as it isn't on the menu, it is a special favor to give it to you with the dinner and he'll expect an extra tip."  Bob's reply, "Well, I wonder how Bredenberg got it - a mild, retiring person like him?"

Number 21 made slow going of it up the river, stopping at about every station past Harmon.  I don't know whether it was positive block or the train was carrying commuters as a combination.  There was a rumor, a diesel pulled us to Harmon because there was no power on the rail but I couldn't check it.  We had 14 cars and I don't think a DEs3 could have hauled us as fast as we went.  When my berth was made up, I went to bed, so couldn't see what was going on.  Sometimes we went very slowly as if through washed out spots.  The Hudson was up about near flood stage at Albany but I didn't see it.  I was asleep in my upper.

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