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Erie, PA
Friday, Sept. 23. '38.

We were 2 1/2 hours late in Erie this morning.  I went home and found the family reasonably well.  Rog wasn't in school, having "that feeling" in his tummy again, and Willie had a cold.  Mother seemed quite well for her.

As I fully expected, Maurice couldn't see why we didn't get over Hell Gate with the 3000 tons - if he and Bill Hamilton had been there, they'd have done it, etc. etc.  If I were to do it again, under better weather conditions, taking a longer run at it and helping in full field, I think I might do it too.  But I defy Maurice or anybody else to have done it under the conditions we had Wednesday.  I find Ford is considering buying six more switchers, essentially duplicates of these we made last year.  Also he is said to be about to buy a couple of peanuts for the rubber mill.  And [[underlined]] Barrell [[/underlined]] is out in Colorado on the Pike's Peak job which, after all these years, is said to be about ready to break.  So things seem more active.  New York Central is in the market for 29 diesels which will probably go Alco or EM or both. 
Had an evening at home.  Roger was cranky and I had to put him forcibly in his room a couple of times which hurt me - to come home after two weeks and then to have to start immediately to battle with him.  Bab was sweet though which helped a lot She is a dear.

Mother had had luncheon recently with Mrs. Dutton who gave her a load of gossip particularly about the church:

(1.)  A certain girl has been [[underlined]] arrested  [[/underlined]] at least twice for immoral acts with another girl - caught on the dock with the other nude and mauling her etc.  The arrests were hushed up.  This particular item didn't overly surprise me except the arrest phase.

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