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Erie, Pa.,
Tuesday, Sept. 27, '38.

Today things look blacker and blacker in Europe. War may start tomorrow if unconfirmed reports are true that Hitler has advanced his deadline from Saturday to tomorrow at 8 AM New York Time. The whole world is on edge with horror at the prospect. Eden was right. Hitler and Mussolini are a couple of mad dogs; I think they're both insane to be willing to plunge all Europe into this thing. No one thinks of much else right now and tomorrow may tell the tale. I haven't the heart to write anymore. Nothing I did today means anything beside this impending tragedy – the greatest the world has ever known. The love of peace is almost gone tonight.

Erie, Pa.,
Wednesday Sept. 28, '38.

A breathing spell in Europe; tomorrow Hitler will confer at Munich with Chamberlain, Daladier and Mussolini after Roosevelt made a last appeal to him last night coupled with another message to Mussolini to use his influence on Hitler. So hope rises again that war will be averted. I still think Der Fuhrer is a bluff and looking for a graceful way out.

Have spent all week at the office plotting up the 2500 ton freight run and enjoyed it immensely. When I came to the Walsh-Smith readings, they were utterly inadequate to make an accurate record. Supposed to read every five minutes, found nine readings in nearly 3 hours! Again I boiled, and Maurice happening around, I told him what I was up against and why. Maurice said, "I told you so; you wanted to take him. Now you've learned a lesson." Which is [[underlined]] correct. [[/underlined]]

Maurice recounted an incident between Bill Hamilton and Pritchard. Bill had charge of some tests and Pritch showed up for the tests. Bill told Pritch he would read

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