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detail about it all. Doc Gillilan read it and remarked, "Well, now, isn't it just great that he went out there. It just saved the day!" Jake says. "Isn't that a silly letter?" But speaking of Jake, here's a boy who is really just coming into his own; I think more of him daily. He's always been a plugger, rather wild and sloppy, but producing a tremendous quantity of work. Now he really seems to be at last coming into his own. His great triumph was the 150 HP, 20 ton diesel-electric for Portland Cement selling for about $10,000, a real competitor for mechanical transmission and small sizes. Jake cut all the corners, used a bus motor, chain drive, Cummins engine, two axles, etc. etc. and so far he's got away with it over the dead bodies of the motor division. Now a whole line of small locos. is being worked up along the same principles and very cheap. I'm not quite converted yet, especially on the motor but I'm willing to be convinced. At least, it's something we can sell and there's a tremendous amount of interest in them.

Erie, Pa.
Thursday, Sept. 29, '38 
Walt Harris called me into his office this morning to read me subsequent correspondence between Andrews and Muir relative to the New Haven development overrun and to ask if I would make a step-by-step record of exactly what happened. Muir and Andy weren't satisfied yet and I gathered, particularly with Maurice's comments. Walt stated baldly that "various people" including Cash actually thought Maurice distorted the truth when convenient. So again, I'm caught between Maurice, and Walter and Cash. At first I was upset by the thought they were trying to find someone to hang for this but Muir said not, and my skirts are clean on it. So why worry?

This evening we saw one of the best movies I remember – "Four Daughters" – a simple, rather sentimental

Transcription Notes:
This is the link if you want to read about the movie "Four Daughters" 2. Reviewed