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but starting at 2500 and working up to 3000 gradually, which should be a safe enough procedure.
Roger contributed a prize remark today.  He said something like this to Mother - "It's the best thing in the world - that is, if there is any world - if it all isn't just a dream.  How do you know I'm not just a dream and not standing here at all?"  If that isn't a thought for a six year old, I never heard one.  Perhaps he, and not Bab, will be the genius of the family - writer, philosopher, who knows what.

Roger has a cold, the first of the fall-winter season, and stayed home from school today.  And only a day or two ago, Willie told me neither of them had had one yet.

Erie, Pa.
Tuesday, Oct. 11, '38.
Driving to work this morning, I was sitting in the back seat of A.J.'s car, and as we passed the Villa Maria, I caught a glimpse of the loveliest little Sister I have ever seen.  She was, of course, completely hidden in her black robe, all except her face, of which I saw only the profile.  That was lovely enough to rate top notch whenever beautiful women are compared.  It was a young face, and more pretty than beautiful - soft white skin, just plump enough, a pointed nose faintly upturned at the tip, a sweet full mouth, a chin that was just prominent enough to balance the nose but round and smooth.  It seemed an utter shame to cover such loveliness in sisterhood and I had an almost uncontrollable impulse to ask A.J. to stop so I could follow her and see her more.  It was a flash of something entirely different and arrestingly lovely that appealed so strongly it swept me for the moment into an emotion of frustration - the desire to see her more opposed by the thought I couldn't and probably never should again.