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devoutly trust I am wrong about Andy and that he will rise to the occasion and guide us back to the position we once occupied as leaders in the railroad electrical equipment industry. God knows, we need someone today who can do just that and it is going to be a hurculean task! But it seems to me, it is in the wood if the right man takes hold of it. Who is the man? Is Andy? I don't know. But whoever he is, let us hope and pray he appears, for he is sadly needed - NOW!

I felt rather low about all this, so at noon I picked up some chocolate, peanuts and apples and took a walk out onto the golf course to think it over under the influence of one of the loveliest autumn days we have had - the colors of earth and sky making a pageant of beauty that few things can equal. And I told myself that after all, the most important thing for the individual is to play his own game of life day by day the very best way he knows how, trusting, knowing that the future will take care of itself. It is futile and silly to worry for usually the things we worry about never transpire, and if they do, they do not affect us as we expect if at all due to changed conditions. Sometimes they may be stepping stones unappreciated, to greater success and happiness; often that happens. So don't worry! If life and society are anything, they are struggle and competition and change, always have been and always will be. Live your life full and fine and well [[underlined]] today [[/underlined]] - tomorrow will take care of itself and will be good if you lay the foundation for its being good by living the best way you know how today. This is no idle idealizing - it is true and you can see it work.

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