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followed by the usual unbusinesslike arrangement of letting the New Haven dictate the design through approval of all drawings with no recourse to price alteration for changes not covered by our costs. We are hog tied and hamstrung by such an arrangement - either we tell them to go to hell or we accede. The estimate upon which we are being hanged was a Class B estimate made in two days! And it was simply low - too low for anybody to meet under the conditions we had to work to. We may have been at fault here and there and Woodward too, but nobody was seriously at fault. Now however, we get no support from Woodward, who apparently gets off scott clear with all his excess charges taken against our P. & L. account and we holding the bag! As Maurice says, we never should have agreed to accept it - tell him to take it in his A.A.E. Then there wouldn't have been all this furore. But by being good fellows and taking it, we get hanged for something that was not our fault. And H.L. had the crust to tell Maurice he should be able to follow all this stuff all right because [[underlined]] he doesn't have anything to do! [[/underlined]] That burns me up! For if Maurice is anything, he is a hard, consciencious worker, never taking a vacation, working Saturdays Sundays, every minute at the office - he nearly killed himself working here a few years ago and he's back at it now almost as hard as ever. One thing this did to me was make me damned sympathetic with Maurice and determined from now on to be loyal to him. By god, when he gets a raw, ungrateful deal like that from H.L., he certainly needs somebody to stick by him. I really felt mighty sorry for him today.

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